
VAW International Conference on Women & Culture

Violence against women does not mean only physical violence. It is much broader and includes sexual, emotional, psychological and financial abuse. The National Plan targets two main types of violence against women – domestic and family violence, and sexual assault.

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Lets Do It!

Why join the VAW Conference

TheVAW Conference on Women & culture will engage participants from across the globe.

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Who Attends This VAW Conference

Researchers, scientist, professors, graduate and post graduates students, as well as representatives from nonprofit and for- profit organizations, research institutes, and government agencies.

Registration Deadline

Date: Sepember 13, 2024

Conference Date

Date: Sepember 13 - 14, 2024

The VAW conference 2024

will include an intensive program, in the form of oral and poster presentations covering a very wide range of topics.

Themes & topics

Themes & topics (2024)

  • Cultural norms and gender violence
  • Intersectionality
  • Cultural rituals
  • Community and grassroots Efforts

Mode of presentations

From $


Oral presentation

Be an oral presenter of the VAW International Conferences 2023 and present to a international audience.

Poster Presentations

Graphical display of information through poster presentation will also be conducted.

Our Partners

Hosted by Brown Skin & Promoted by Mayaz1

Hosted by Brown Skin

Brown Skin

Fully Emanicipated

Promoted by Mayaz1.


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